Novosti iz naše klinike

Proslava povodom 10 godina od osnivanja MBC klinike

Povodom 10 godina uspešno rada MBC Klinike dr Marije Balković i više od 2.600 zadovoljnih pacijenata, sredinom maja 2018. organizovana je proslava u hotelu Saint Ten. 

16 Svetski Kongres Estetske hirurgije i Anti-aginga u Monaku

Dr Steven Dayan - Chicago Illinois, Francois Kress - Apex Neuro CEO, dr Paul Nassif , LA California; 
dr Marija Balković - Beograd Srbija, Tom Seery - RealSelf CEO

Decenija uspešnog rada na transplantaciji kose - Časopis Estetika


U novom izdanju časopisa "Estetika", koji prati najnovije svetske trendove u estetskoj i rekonstuktivnoj hiruriji, 

Gostovanje dr Marije Balković u jutarnjem programu TV Pink


U jutarnjem programu TV Pink-a, dr Balković daje odgovore i objašnjenja na najčešće postavljana pitanja vezana za transplantaciju kose. 


Pogledajte celo gostovanje:

"An Institution You Can Trust" Award

MBC Clinic is a participant in the project: " Development and promotion of health tourism in Serbia", run by Serbian Ministry of Health. 


Marija Balković, the Co-Author of a Book "Body Contouring and Sculpting"

Body Contouring and Sculpting

The growing public interest to improve and correct appearance had led to speedy progress and development of new surgical techniques and methods in aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Marija Balković at Hud Har Clinic in Copenhagen

Dr Marija Balković was a guest surgeon at Hud Har Clinic in Copenhagen.

ISHRS 25th World Congress in Prague

 25th Silver jubilee world congress opened in Prague. 

A Certificate for Outstanding Business Results

Specialized clinic for plastic and reconstructive surgery MBC, and the first specialized clinic for hair transplant in Serbia.

A Certificate from the Serbian Ministry of Health

The certificates were awarded under the Project for Development and Promotion of Health Tourism in Serbia.

Second Regional Anti-Aging Congress in Budva, Montenegro

Dr Marija Balkovic, a leading expert in Hair Transplantation in the region, was invited to give a lecture on the field of her expertise.

„Three in One 2017“ Congress in Belgrade

At the 10th BAPRAS Congres, Dr Balkovic has held a lecture with a subject: FUE PRECISE method - Indications and special indications.  

New Trends and Research in Plastic Surgery

Dr Marija Balković, attended the AMWC Congress, important topics:
- Hair Stem cell in vitro

15th World Congress of Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Surgery

Today, the 15 World Congress of anti-aging and aesthetic surgery has started.

Marija Balković on Serbian National Television "Prva"

In the interview, dr Maria Balković is talking about the hair loss problem man face.